Center For Economic and Environmental Development

ce人员进行基础研究, 开发应用解决方案, and provide services toward our mission of preserving the health of coastal and ocean ecosystems, while achieving economic growth and improvement of human health and social equity.

As part of RWU’s emphasis on Blue Economy at a local, 区域, 国家, 在全球范围内, the Center for Economic and Environmental Development (ce) focuses on collaborative marine 研究, 产业支持, 海洋教育, 向公众宣传, 订婚, 和扩展.

ce addresses critical challenges facing human health and the coastal environment through education, 研究, outreach, and 培训. 目前, ce人员进行基础研究 and 开发应用解决方案 for achieving economic growth and improvement of human health and social equity, while preserving the health of coastal and ocean ecosystems. ce will continue to leverage our coastal location and collaborations with other higher education, 研究, and policy institutions to focus on critical, timely issues facing coastal and marine  ecosystems.

Extension plays a central role in ce’s mission. 在我们的研究和学生培训中, we extend the university’s educational resources by working with members of the coastal community to identify important marine resource issues, conduct applied scientific 研究 in these areas, and share findings with stakeholders in the community. 的se stakeholders include federal and state agencies, 非营利组织, local businesses and many other members of the community. ce makes it possible for RWU students to take part in extension efforts through 研究 experiences and receive essential 培训 and skill sets for community 订婚.

ce目前的工作重点是 四个 主要项目领域:



This 研究 program trains students in 贝类 hatchery and farm aquaculturing methods and techniques. ce 工作人员 in this program provide support to externally funded faculty conducting basic and applied 研究 on raising commercially important 贝类 species. Our hatchery produces seed for a variety of projects and serves as an educational resource to the commercial 贝类ing community.




This program trains students in raising and caring for aquatic animals. 研究 and internship opportunities are integrated with hands-on instruction in the design, 制造, 以及系统的维护. 我们的ce学生, 工作人员, and faculty design and maintain systems for production of tropical and temperate shrimp, 有鳍鱼, 贝类, 和珊瑚, in addition to large-scale aquarium exhibits.

More about 水族馆科学与水产养殖


With a focus on diseases of aquatic animals (有鳍鱼 and 贝类), the laboratory provides diagnostic services to the aquaculture industry in the region. Students receive 培训 in aquatic animal health diagnostic and care methods by using a combination of pathological and molecular approaches.

More about the 水生诊断实验室

Temperate Coral Propagation and 微生物生态学

Temperate Coral Propagation and 微生物生态学

This program is focused on the local temperate coral Astrangia poculata, an emerging model organism for studying coral-microbe symbiosis and ecology. 的 group applies approaches from micro生物学, 分子生物学, and advanced microscopy to learn more about the response of corals and their microbiomes to climate change. 另外, 这个学生, 工作人员, and faculty have developed techniques and systems in the RWU Wet Lab for sexual and asexual propagation of A. poculata, to support 研究 efforts of the lab, and of the larger temperate coral 研究 community.



的 水产养殖与水族馆科学(AQS) Major

水产养殖与水族馆科学(AQS) major at Roger Williams University (RWU) operates through the Center for Economic and Environmental Development (ce). 作为专业, AQS offers undergraduate students the unique opportunity to engage in hands-on, applied coursework and 研究 covering many aspects of aquaculture, 包括系统设计, 海洋观赏物种的培养, 动物营养, and diagnoses and treatments of diseases in aquatic organisms.


ce plays an important role in providing 研究 opportunities for our undergraduate students.  In addition to conducting independent 研究 with ce faculty and 工作人员 for academic credit, our students have the opportunity to apply for following fellowships and internship opportunities.


Each year the MNS faculty at RWU award 研究 grants to undergraduate students to carry out independent 研究. 与教师导师一起工作, 学生写一个研究计划, 包括预算, which is then evaluated by a committee on a competitive basis. Funds are normally awarded twice a year (Fall and Spring semesters) for use in the following semester (Spring awards can be accessed over the Summer as well). Students participating in funded 研究 efforts also submit a progress report and a final report, detailing the results of their investigation. As a condition of receiving these grants, students present the results of their 研究, either as an internal or external presentation. Some of these 研究 projects may also result in student publications.

Mark Gould Memorial 研究 Scholarship

This fund provides students with a stipend to conduct independent 研究 in marine 生物学, 生物学, or chemistry during the summer and is awarded to some students each summer. Applicants must be full- time marine 生物学, 生物学, or chemistry majors in good academic standing. Students must have completed at least their freshman year. 的 fund was established in memory of Mark Gould, long-time Professor of Biology and Director of the Center for Economic and Environmental Development at Roger Williams University.


We encourage students to participate in internships that are relevant to their course of study. 的se opportunities provide valuable experience and can often lead to advanced study or careers. 的 university allows a great deal of flexibility for arranging internships for credit - these can be during the school year, 或夏天. Students can discuss these opportunities with the faculty advisors.

ce has a cooperative agreement with the 新英格兰水族馆 (NEAq) in which students work in Boston, MA or at the NEAq holding facility in Quincy, MA. 实习 at NEAq offer college students experience in areas ranging from veterinary services and animal husbandry to communications and program development. A similar internship opportunity is under development with the 海洋生物实验室 (MBL)在伍兹霍尔,马萨诸塞州.


While other universities may have a waterfront marine field station some distance from the main campus, Roger Williams University is a marine station. ce is housed in the Marine and Natural Sciences (MNS) building, just a few hundred yards from Mount Hope Bay. We have direct access to the waterfront, 还有一个大的, fully functional 7200 ft2 wet laboratory with flowing seawater. This provides us the convenient opportunity to conduct marine field- and lab-based 研究 year-round. 的 MNS building is equipped with a Wet Lab, a commercial-scale Shellfish Hatchery and Farm, 水生诊断实验室, 分子生物学实验室空间, 研究温室. MNS houses advanced laboratory resources, 包括一个共聚焦激光显微镜, 荧光显微镜, 流式细胞仪, 粒子计数器, 热循环仪, controlled environmental growth chambers, and analytical chemistry instrumentation. 在RWU的研究船上 InVinceble精神, 我们的教师, 工作人员, and students launch from our own 200-ft learning platform/dock for coursework, 水质测试, 或水生生物的集合.